canove / whaticket-community

A very simple Ticket System based on WhatsApp messages, that allow multi-users in same WhatsApp account.
MIT License
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The status of my connections is always "OPENING" #654

Open pedro-severo opened 2 weeks ago

pedro-severo commented 2 weeks ago

Hey there!

On my first steps with the project, I'm facing an issue with the connections that I create using the UI interface:


All connections that I create still with this look, as the connection is loading before to be able to connect some whatsapp number using the qrcode button:


After a quick debug, I saw that these connections created on UI are always saved as status "OPENING" in database, no matter which value is on the code. Even if I set the default value of the status properties as another value, as I did on the print bellow, setting default as "qrcode", on the database the value of status is always saved as OPENING.


I'm assuming this fact ("on the database the value of status is always saved as OPENING"), because, after my change above, the log of the connection object saved on database shows the status prop as "qrcode", until the last moment before the calling of the method who handle with database saving. But, when I get this saved object again, using the get's endpoints, the object comes with status prop as "OPENING" since the first moment after the object comes from database. The result is that print above, who shows the connection whit a look of loading:


In resume, for some reason, the status as "OPENING" of my connections never changes, what makes impossible to connect whatsapp numbers for my connections.

Someone knows how to solve it?

CJRMedeiros123 commented 2 weeks ago

Hello! Check the google chrome version.

I was same problem, and when i change for Google Chrome 126.0.6478.182-1 back work again. image

The code is sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libappindicator1 sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

pedro-severo commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @CJRMedeiros123!

Thanks by your support.

I'm not using apt-get and dpkg commands directly on terminal, because I'm using a mac. But change to 26.0.6478.182-1 version in Dockerfile didn't work for me. This is my image now:

RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y wget gnupg \
    && wget -q -O - | apt-key add - \
    && sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list' \
    && apt-get update \
    && wget \
    && apt-get install -y \
        ./google-chrome-stable_126.0.6478.182-1_amd64.deb \
        libappindicator1 fonts-ipafont-gothic fonts-wqy-zenhei fonts-thai-tlwg fonts-kacst fonts-freefont-ttf libxss1 \
        --no-install-recommends \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
    && rm google-chrome-stable_126.0.6478.182-1_amd64.deb

