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Adding Emacs up/down motion to vi insert mode keybindings #196

Closed otherJL0 closed 2 years ago

otherJL0 commented 2 years ago

Vim supports a few Emacs keybindings while in insert mode, one of them being Ctrl-p and Ctrl-n for up and down movements: vim insert.txt.

The vim help pages even shamelessly suggest a few useful remaps, including Ctrl-p and Ctrl-n for up/down movement: vim tips.txt useful-mappings.

Hopefully I'm not the only vim user that likes using emacs motion keys while in insert mode and more people find it useful.

cantino commented 2 years ago

Seems reasonable @otherJL0

cantino commented 2 years ago


cantino commented 2 years ago

Released in 0.5.10.