cantino / mcfly

Fly through your shell history. Great Scott!
MIT License
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Feature Request: Show timestamp of command #213

Open bowiz2 opened 2 years ago

bowiz2 commented 2 years ago


So mcfly saves the timestamp of each run command, and it would be useful if there was a flag/env var that enabled showing the last time you ran a command in your shell history.

Or, alternatively, a history style command for mcfly that would output the timestamp + command in a friendly less-able way.

It's possible right now to query sqlite and run something like select cmd,datetime(when_run, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') from commands where cmd LIKE "%the_command%";, but a more user friendly solution would be super useful.

Hope others think this useful and someone is motivated to develop it 😄

cantino commented 2 years ago

You'd be welcome to add a mcfly subcommand for this feature!