cantino / mcfly

Fly through your shell history. Great Scott!
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Feature Request - Use VIM key bindings to navigate results #227

Closed aindriu80 closed 1 year ago

aindriu80 commented 2 years ago


I have started using McFly and it has been great, searching through my history is so much easier!

I have a request though, is it possible to bind the VIM navigation keys to navigate up and down the search results instead of using the cursor keys? I currently use ZSH and in my.zshrc file I have the following which remaps the letters k and j to jump into command mode (instead of pressing Escape) where I can move around quickly in the terminal - pressingiescapes back into Edit mode.

bindkey -M viins kj vi-cmd-mode

It would be great to be able to jump into Command mode, select a search result and go back into insert mode

cantino commented 2 years ago

Good idea!

ikey4u commented 2 years ago

any progress or plan?

JamJar00 commented 2 years ago

Perhaps I've misunderstood the request here but this has been implemented for a while now!

cantino commented 1 year ago

Yes, this has been implemented for a while. :)