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zsh HOME/END keys don't work #264

Open rrpolanco opened 2 years ago

rrpolanco commented 2 years ago

New user here so apologies if I missed something. I installed mcfly and after invoking it via Ctrl+r and exiting, now my Home/End keybindings stopped working. This behavior prevents me from auto completing zsh suggestions.

I'm using wezterm with zsh 5.8.

cantino commented 2 years ago

That's odd, I haven't seen that behavior before. Does running reset fix it?

hylobates-agilis commented 2 years ago

I can confirm, got the same issue with alacritty. A reset fixes it indeed.

hylobates-agilis commented 1 year ago

Small complement, if it can help (I’ve tried to dig deeper but I’m really clueless). Before executing mcfly, Home/End keys have this code through cat -e :

> cat -e

After, I’ve got this:

> cat -e

So maybe not a mcfly related issue, something wrong with zsh itself?