cantino / mcfly

Fly through your shell history. Great Scott!
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Truncated history #329

Open k-szuster opened 1 year ago

k-szuster commented 1 year ago

I run mcfly on linux mint-ubuntu.20.4 with bash. My history list is pretty long, when running without mcfly:

krz@krz:~$ history|wc
  31409  147231 1286990

When mcfly is running (form .bashrc or command line) it becomes short:

krz@krz:~$ eval "$(mcfly init bash)"
krz@krz:~$ history|wc
     99     313    2349

Obvously, when I press ctrl-r I to browse the history, I cannot find older entries.

cantino commented 1 year ago

Mcfly shouldn't be modifying your .bash_history, but it may limit how much history shows up in history. The idea is that you use ctrl-r instead. Are you saying ctrl-r also doesn't have the full history?