cantino / mcfly

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Drop custom homebrew tap #379

Closed tisba closed 7 months ago

tisba commented 7 months ago


As discussed in the custom homebrew tap can probably just be dropped. This is just a suggestion, @cantino :)

I'm not quite sure how Homebrew does updates to bottled Formula these days. mcfly's Formula lives at There is brew bump-formula-pr which should probably do most of the work, I haven't used it in a while though (see

I -think- all you have to do is (with the version replaced obviously):

brew bump-formula-pr --url mcfly
praveenperera commented 7 months ago

Turns out out brew uses custom self-hosted runners, @cantino lets merge this.

cantino commented 7 months ago

Thanks @praveenperera, but I'm a little unclear on what I need to do. After having merged this, how do I update homebrew when I do a GitHub release? Just the brew bump-formula-pr command or do we need to integrate a runner somehow too?

praveenperera commented 7 months ago

@cantino I think we just take out the custom tap and let home-brew make updates. Seems like they update their tap automatically.

And if not we can make a PR in their repo.

cantino commented 7 months ago

Okay let's try it.

cantino commented 7 months ago

And remove cantino/homebrew-mcfly too?

cantino commented 7 months ago

See revert, I need to think about this and test it a bit more.

cantino commented 6 months ago
➜  mcfly git:(master) ✗ brew bump-formula-pr --url mcfly
Error: No available formula with the name "mcfly".
➜  mcfly git:(master) ✗ brew bump-formula-pr --url cantino/mcfly
Error: No available formula with the name "cantino/mcfly".
