canton7 / PropertyChanged.SourceGenerator

Powerful INotifyPropertyChanged / INotifyPropertyChanging Source Generator, which generates INPC boilerplate for you as part of your build. Supports features such as automatic and manual dependencies between properties, notifications when specific properties change, and more.
MIT License
131 stars 14 forks source link

Readme update #25

Closed rsking closed 1 year ago

rsking commented 1 year ago

this caught me as I couldn't work out why propertychanged.remove_suffix wasn't working

canton7 commented 1 year ago

D'oh, good spot thanks!

canton7 commented 1 year ago

I can rebase onto develop if necessary - it's pulling in a lot of crud from master at the moment

rsking commented 1 year ago

Yeah, sorry for the crud from master, I didn't realize until after I'd created the PR

canton7 commented 1 year ago
