canton7 / PropertyChanged.SourceGenerator

Powerful INotifyPropertyChanged / INotifyPropertyChanging Source Generator, which generates INPC boilerplate for you as part of your build. Supports features such as automatic and manual dependencies between properties, notifications when specific properties change, and more.
MIT License
131 stars 14 forks source link

Optional automatic DependsOn generation #36

Closed Vilo176 closed 1 year ago

Vilo176 commented 1 year ago

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Originally posted by **Vilo176** November 23, 2022 Hi Antony, Your SG is a very nice piece of code, thanks a lot for sharing. Could you make Automatic DependsOn optional ? I have some cases that I want to manage manually. .editorconfig options will be nice. Thanks 👍
canton7 commented 1 year ago

This will be closed automatically when the release is cut

Vilo176 commented 1 year ago

oups sorry