canton7 / PropertyChanged.SourceGenerator

Powerful INotifyPropertyChanged / INotifyPropertyChanging Source Generator, which generates INPC boilerplate for you as part of your build. Supports features such as automatic and manual dependencies between properties, notifications when specific properties change, and more.
MIT License
130 stars 14 forks source link

Generated code in latest version not compiling/missing OnPropertyChanged #39

Open VMelnalksnis opened 1 year ago

VMelnalksnis commented 1 year ago

Description After upgrading to 1.1.0, OnPropertyChanged either does not get called, or PropertyChanged.SourceGenerator.Internal.EventArgsCache.PropertyChanged_PropertyName gets passed instead of property name.

To Reproduce This only generated OnPropertyChanging, but not OnPropertyChanged.

public sealed partial class TestModel
    private decimal _total;

Version Info

Additional Info Upgrading to this version also caused various issues in Rider. I had to clear caches/restart it multiple times to even reproduce the simple case.

canton7 commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I've unlisted v1.1.0 until I get a chance to look into this

LeviGNMBS commented 4 months ago

Maybe related, is this a typo on line 69?

chjrom commented 3 months ago

When I cloned the repository (master branch) and manually packaged the project (dotnet pack) and used it in my project, everything works fine. There are no errors.