canton7 / Stylet

A very lightweight but powerful ViewModel-First MVVM framework for WPF for .NET Framework and .NET Core, inspired by Caliburn.Micro.
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why window manager ‘s ShowMessageBox can't popup in OnExit method? #149

Closed zredb closed 4 years ago

zredb commented 4 years ago

I want to implement the function when quit the app, program query the user weather save changes, bug these code can't work: protected override void OnExit(ExitEventArgs e) { var wm= kernel.Get(); var dr=wm.ShowMessageBox("Project has change, do you want to save it?","", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (dr == MessageBoxResult.Yes) //do something, } can anyone give any sugesstion?

canton7 commented 4 years ago

Perhaps because it's too late and the application is already shutting down? I'm in mobile so can't test.

I recommend overriding CanCloseAsync in your shell ViewModel, and putting your logic in there.

zredb commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your quick reply, I will try to use it, thank you.

canton7 commented 4 years ago

Great. Please re-open if you still have issues.