canton7 / Stylet

A very lightweight but powerful ViewModel-First MVVM framework for WPF for .NET Framework and .NET Core, inspired by Caliburn.Micro.
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Documentation correction #259

Open ModernRonin opened 3 years ago

ModernRonin commented 3 years ago


in the documentation about configuring ViewManager it says:

NamespaceTransformations: this is a dictionary of from -> to substitutions, and allows your Views and ViewModels to live in different namespaces. If your Views live in "Foo.Frontend.Views" and your ViewModels live in "Foo.FrontendLogic.ViewModels", you could add an entry to this dictionary with the key "Foo.Frontend" and the value "Foo.FrontendLogic"

So, basically, that the dictionary entries have the view paths as keys and the viewmodel paths as values.

But I just noticed it's the other way round: for it to work, the key must the path to the viewmodels and the value the path to the views. (Also makes sense as the ViewManager is locating the views for the viewmodels.

Cheers, MR