canvasus / CreatorMaster2k

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Question about the code #1

Open boonier opened 9 months ago

boonier commented 9 months ago

Hey there :) how's it going? Nice work.

I loved the pattern based sequencers from the Atari....

Is this code specific for the Teesny api (oh which I have no experience), or can it be leveraged for other platforms?


canvasus commented 9 months ago

Hi! And thanks. I think you should be able to port most of it to another platform, certainly some of the main parts like tracks and how events are handled. But obviously some parts are very specific to the hardware I used such as the Teensy USB host library and display functions.

Whether it is a good idea to reuse this code is another matter...

boonier commented 9 months ago

Hehe well conceptually it looks like a good start :) I will see where I get!
