canyanio / janus-gateway-docker

Docker image for the Janus WebRTC Server
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Janus ignore --full-trickle=off, or -f off flags #26

Open barakpp opened 2 years ago

barakpp commented 2 years ago

Hi! I'm using janus-gateway-docker and when I run the docker using YAML file janus start will full trickle mode.

I saw that the default is full trickle off but I don't know why it start with full trickle on. I try to force it to be off by the flag --full-trickle=off or -f off but it ignores the flag..

I use YAML file and try multi variations: First: containers:

5: containers:

Nothing worked.

I thought maybe it's ICE issue when Janus starts and Janus have mechanism to switch to full trickle mode when it has problem getting ICE on startup?

I will be glad for your help, Barak