caolan / highland

High-level streams library for Node.js and the browser
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Question: how can I consume this array of Streams? #639

Open viniciusCamargo opened 6 years ago

viniciusCamargo commented 6 years ago

Hello, nice folks!

I have a function that makes a request and returns a stream.

const getUser = (userId) => request(`${userId}`)

I have an array of users' IDs and I want to call getUser on each one of them:

const users = [

*Most of the time I don't know how many users I will have in my array.

Now I want to create an array of streams:

const requests = users.reduce((arr, user) => [...arr, getUser(user)], [])

What I am trying to do is iterate over requests and pipe its response to http.ServerResponse:

app.get('/', (req, res) => {

When I do this I get an error: Stream already being consumed, you must either fork() or observe()

What I tried is something like _(requests.fork()).pipe(res) but it obviously didn't work.

It might be something silly that I'm missing but if anyone could point me to what am I doing wrong, or have any hint, I'd really appreciate.

Thank you!

vqvu commented 6 years ago

I assume it's important to pipe the responses in order?

First of all, you'll want to implement getUsers this way

const getUsers = (userId) => _(request(`${userId}`))

request returns a Node stream, not a Highland stream, so you want to convert it to a Highland stream first. Then something like this should work

app.get('/', (req, res) => {

or if you want to do the requests in parallel,

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  // Replace 2 with your desired parallelism factor

I'm honestly not sure why you're getting the "already consumed" errors. It's there because streams are one-time use, but I don't see you reusing any streams, so I'm not sure what's wrong.

viniciusCamargo commented 6 years ago

Thank you, @vqvu!

Here's what I tried (it is the actual code):

const express = require('express')
const request = require('request')
const _ = require('highland')

const app = express()

const api = (id) => request(`${id}`)

const parseJSON = (buffer) => JSON.parse(buffer.toString())

const toBuffer = (obj) => {
  const string = JSON.stringify(obj)
  const buffer = new Buffer(string)

  return buffer

const fetchEntries = (data) => {
  const { submitted } = data

  return submitted.filter((e, i) => i < 3)

const filterTitles = (entries) => {
  return _(entries).flatMap(api)

const filter = _.pipeline(,,,

app.get('/', async (req, res) => {

app.listen(3000, () => l('http://localhost:3000'))

And the response:

  "domain": null,
  "_events": {},
  "_eventsCount": 2,
  "__HighlandStream__": true,
  "id": "766078",
  "paused": true,
  "_incoming": [],
  "_outgoing": [],
  "_consumers": [],
  "_observers": [],
  "_destructors": [],
  "_send_events": false,
  "_nil_pushed": false,
  "_delegate": null,
  "_is_observer": false,
  "_in_consume_cb": false,
  "_repeat_resume": false,
  "_consume_waiting_for_next": false,
  "source": null,
  "writable": true

In fact, it's not working because I expected the responses from the API.

vqvu commented 6 years ago

There's a few things wrong here, so I'll just start at the top.

  1. As I mentioned, api should be wrapping the result of request in a Highland stream.

    const api = (id) => _(request(`${id}`))
  2. filterTitle doesn't seem to filter anything. Did you switch the implementations of filterTitles and fetchEntries?

  3. Your filter pipeline doesn't make sense.

    1. The input is a stream of Buffers, since that is what request provides. The response may come in multiple chunks (Buffer). The way you have it now, each chunk will be processed separately. Unless your initial response is small enough to fit in a single chunk, JSON.parse will throw an error, since you're passing it only a partial JSON. Since you need the full response, you're better off using a library like request-promise for the initial request. The api function can still the vanilla request library.

    2. filterTitle returns a Highland stream, so when you use it with map, you get a stream of Highland streams. Then when you map the result, toBuffer is called with a Highland stream as input. This is why you get that response. It's what you get if you JSON.stringify a Highland stream.

      You probably want to use flatMap instead. This will take the result of filterTitles (a Highland stream) and "flatten" it so that you end up with a stream of Buffers.

    3. You don't need to call toBuffer at the end of filter. You should already be getting buffers from request. Just omit the toBuffer call.

    To put it all together, your filter function should probably look like this.

    // Input is a stream of JSON strings.,  // After this, it's a stream of parsed JSON objects.,  // After this, it's a stream of arrays of user ids.
    _.flatMap(fetchEntries),  // After this, it's a stream of Buffers
    // No need to call toBuffer
  4. pipeline and pipe are meant for interop with Node streams. Don't use them with Highland streams. Instead, you can implement filter like this and use through

    const filter = (stream) => {

app.get('/', async (req, res) => { _(requestPromise('initialRequest')).through(filter).pipe(res) })

viniciusCamargo commented 6 years ago

I had to pass that data to a new Buffer, otherwise, I'd get a TypeError: First argument must be a string or Buffer. I refactored the code and changed some functions names to help, but it still doesn't work.

const express = require('express')
const rp = require('request-promise')
const _ = require('highland')

const app = express()

const parseJSON = (buffer) => JSON.parse(buffer.toString())

const filterSubmissions = (data) => {
  const { submitted } = data

  return submitted.filter((e, i) => i < 3) // returns the first 3 entries

const filter = (stream) =>

const getUser = (id) => `${id}.json?print=pretty`

app.get('/', (req, res) => {

app.listen(3000, () => console.log('http://localhost:3000'))
vqvu commented 6 years ago

The reason why I said you didn't need toBuffer was because you were making the secondary call to, which already returned buffers. Now that you're not doing that anymore, you need to add toBuffer (or its equivalent) back in.

Change filter to

const filter = (stream) =>;

The server outputs when fetching the test jl user.
