caolan / jam

JavaScript package manager - using a browser-focused and RequireJS compatible repository
MIT License
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private repository server search issues #145

Open michalkot opened 11 years ago

michalkot commented 11 years ago

The problem: we are using a private repository with couchdb-lucene. The search on our couchDB works fine if we call http://host:5984/_fti/local/repository/_design/jam-packages/packages?q=hello Jam search appends a slash at the end generating the following url: http://host:5984/_fti/local/repository/_design/jam-packages/packages/?q=hello Which does not work (we get 400: Bad Request).

We managed to solve that issue by not appending a slash if path is empty (see diff).

Jam 2.6 CouchDB 1.3.0 Couchdb-lucene-0.10.0


russellwoodward commented 11 years ago

I have just come across the exact same problem.

Removing the end slash fixes the issue. Seems like this would be required to fix the search functionality.