caolan / mutiny

Peer-to-peer web applications runtime
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Data format for mutinyd unix socket API #1

Closed caolan closed 3 months ago

caolan commented 3 months ago

I'd prefer if it did not require a schema and code generate (e.g. protobuf). This allows third party clients (perhaps a tray icon for your desktop of choice, for example). to evolve at a different pace if we take some care with the API. We're unlikely to need the added compression of a schema-based format since this will be local IPC and we're only supporting a single user.

I also want the format to support binary data natively in case we need to efficiently transfer files, public keys, hashes, etc.


I'm leaning towards CBOR, but MessagePack has the advantage of having an encode/decoder in the Deno standard library.

caolan commented 3 months ago

It might make sense to have a simple wrapper that encodes a result code and content length then have the content depend on the method call and result code. E.g. JSON or raw bytes of a file. That would make it easy to do sendfile on linux for large files.

caolan commented 3 months ago

Most (all?) of these formats would make it possible to decode a stream of values without extra envelopes or delimiters. However, a simple length integer followed by the encoded value would make it easier to recover from a parse failure. If a message of a known length fails to parse it might be possible to recover by reading the rest of the content until the length is removed from the stream then begin parsing again. Knowing the length ahead of time also makes it possible to allocate the full buffer required in advance and do zero-copy deserialisation of certain values.

Alternatively, it might just make sense to close the connection and reopen it to recover.

Note that a preceding length integer precludes streaming responses.

caolan commented 3 months ago

The data format of the mutinyd will be:


If we require larger streaming values, e.g. sending a big file, the caller will be pointed to where to find the data rather than including it directly in the mutinyd request/response.