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ECC RAM (Error correction code) #23

Open caophuong2012 opened 8 years ago

caophuong2012 commented 8 years ago

ECC RAM is very popular in servers and other systems with high value data as it protects against data corruption by automatically detecting and correcting memory errors.


caophuong2012 commented 8 years ago

ECC use parity check: For example, if the data written to the RAM is "10011011", since even parity is being used, a 1 would be added to the data so that when you add up the numbers (1+0+0+1+1+0+1+1+1), you get an even number. If an error were to occur and the data the RAM sends to the system is instead "10011001+1" (which adds up to an odd number), then the system knows that the data is corrupt.