cap-js / attachments

The @cap-js/attachments package is a CDS plugin that provides out-of-the box asset storage and handling by using an aspect Attachments. It also provides a CAP-level, easy to use integration of the SAP Object Store.
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 4 forks source link

Support for Azure Blob Storage #69

Open sachux opened 1 week ago

sachux commented 1 week ago

Hi Team,

I could see the support for s3 but I have a sub account in Azure landscape and we are using object-store with Azure blob storage. I see this is not supported yet. Is anyone already working on it. Please clarify.

Thanks, Sachin Srambickal

muskansethi1 commented 4 days ago

Hi @sachux,

We are currently not working on it, but we will be having discussions for it's support soon. Once the discussions have started, we will schedule a call with you to discuss the use case for it.

Best Regards, Muskan