cap-js / cds-dbs

Monorepo for SQL Database Services for CAP
Apache License 2.0
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Missing feature multitenancy #400

Open BastiInnovation opened 6 months ago

BastiInnovation commented 6 months ago

Migration to postgres

I read the tutorial Multitenant Business Application with PostgreSQL, to get multitenant support in my SaaS-Application. The package used in the tutorial, is the deprecated cds-pg package.

After that I found out that there is no support in cds-js/postgres yet. Is the support available soon? are there other ways to achieve multitenancy with postgres?

Thanks in advance for your help.

BobdenOs commented 6 months ago

@BastiInnovation I had a quick look over the linked blog post and there seems to have been quite a bit that changed in the area of multitenancy as well as the Postgres support.

Therefor I want to give some more insight into the topic. Probably the most important change is that the fundamental implementation of multitenancy support in CAP has been put into the @sap/mtxs package (npm). Which currently has native support for SQLite and HANA as documentation here. In principle it should be quite straight forward to add Postgres support as well.

There is a big difference between Postgres and the already supported databases. Where currently a Postgres service instance is provided by the cloud platform directly and relies on the application owners to manage the database fully. Where HANA comes with additional services that provide multitenancy specific functionalities to ensure secure isolation between the tenants.

Here is a simple illustration of how it work in the case of HANA. Where the credentials are handled in a central place in the platform. This broker service comes with a lot of security features. Which either cannot be supported for Postgres or would come with a lot of added complexity for CAP to support.

    CAP->>HANA Broker: create tenant
    HANA Broker-->>CAP: tenant credentials
    CAP->>HANA tenant: connect
    Note right of HANA tenant: credential rotation
    CAP->>HANA tenant: connect fails
    CAP->>HANA Broker: read tenant
    HANA Broker-->>CAP: tenant credentials
    CAP->>HANA tenant: connect

So how it would look like for Postgres is as follows:

    CAP->>Postgres: connect with credentials
    CAP->>Postgres: create tenant schema
    CAP->>Postgres: deploy tenant contents
    CAP->>Postgres: switch tenant schema
    CAP->>Postgres: switch tenant schema
    Postgres-->>CAP: ...

So the following security relevant topics should be kept in mind:

  1. A single user owns all data
  2. All tenant isolation is done on schema level
  3. All data is stored in a single physical database instance
  4. No tenant level encryption possible
dev-sap commented 3 months ago

Is there any update on the support for multitenancy and extensibility in PostgreSQL? Thanks

maxi1555 commented 1 month ago

is there any plan to support this?, thanks.