capacitor-community / admob

Community plugin for using Google AdMob
MIT License
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Apple rejects our app because of how consent is managed in the AdMob plugin #297

Open basvdijk opened 7 months ago

basvdijk commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug

Apple tells us that they choose "Ask app not to track"


Then they still got the Google consent popup


They state:


I am wondering if this is a bug or that I have to manage this in some way (If so, I am quite curious how).

To Reproduce Follow the instructions in the readme

Expected behavior If I choose "Ask app not to track" then do not show consent window and tell AdMob there is no consent.

lingoyak commented 7 months ago

The Google Consent should not be presented when the user asks app not to track. You should only call the consent pop up when user allows tracking.

basvdijk commented 7 months ago

When I did it was approved by Apple. It still feels a bit odd that do not track means do not ask consent.

juanmaldonadodev commented 7 months ago

For me readme is a bit confusing. Because based on your comments I have understand showConsentForm launch the tracking transparency request if we have implemented in Admob IDF Explainer:

Also in the documentation method says: request requestTrackingAuthorization (iOS >14). This is deprecated method. We recommend UMP Consent.

So based on Apple rejecting apps because tracking transparency request is required.

I would say that the initialize explanation on the README is deprecated because is using requestTrackingAuthorization And it should warns that for use the plugin in iOS it is required to implement the IDF Explainer.

Is this correct?

jportillo83 commented 6 months ago

For me readme is a bit confusing. Because based on your comments I have understand showConsentForm launch the tracking transparency request if we have implemented in Admob IDF Explainer:

Also in the documentation method says: request requestTrackingAuthorization (iOS >14). This is deprecated method. We recommend UMP Consent.

So based on Apple rejecting apps because tracking transparency request is required.

I would say that the initialize explanation on the README is deprecated because is using requestTrackingAuthorization And it should warns that for use the plugin in iOS it is required to implement the IDF Explainer.

Is this correct?

Im totally agree. It seems that it is only required to use the UMP Consent but this way Apple will reject your app. Maybe a mixed solution is to, first request tracking and then, if accepted, show consent form.

distante commented 6 months ago

This sounds like an App implementation problem, am I right?