capacitor-community / admob

Community plugin for using Google AdMob
MIT License
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interstitial ad dismissed listener not work on ios emulator #314

Closed sksk008 closed 3 months ago

sksk008 commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    AdMob.addListener(InterstitialAdPluginEvents.Loaded, (info: AdLoadInfo) => {
      // Subscribe prepared interstitial
          AdMob.addListener(InterstitialAdPluginEvents.Dismissed, ( ) => {
        // Subscribe prepared interstitial
          AdMob.addListener(InterstitialAdPluginEvents.Showed, ( ) => {
        // Subscribe prepared interstitial

i am using test ad and i have list all 3 listener but whenever i click on close ad dismissed listener never called

Expected behavior should print adloaded Showed Dismissed

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

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Additional context It is working perfect on android test device.

sksk008 commented 3 months ago
  AdMob.addListener(InterstitialAdPluginEvents.Dismissed, ( ) => { => {
     console.log("Interstitial Dismissed");

i have already tried with NgZone but still not work.

sksk008 commented 3 months ago

it was my mistake after AdMob.showInterstitial() method i am immediately calling AdMob.prepareInterstitial() but i have to called this AdMob.prepareInterstitial() method after ad dismissed . i can figure out this mistake by this.