capacitor-community / background-geolocation

A Capacitor plugin that sends you geolocation updates, even while the app is in the background.
MIT License
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Upgrade iOS version to 13.0 #91

Closed Madserker closed 1 year ago

Madserker commented 1 year ago

Hello, Im trying to implement this library in my Capacitor 4 project but it doesnt compile due to the minimum iOS version requirements. In Capacitor 4 it is set to be 13.0 in all plugins but in the podspec of this project it is set to 12.0. s.ios.deployment_target = '12.0' Is there anyway to upgrade this to 13.0?

Thank you

diachedelic commented 1 year ago

Fixed in v1.2.9.

Madserker commented 11 months ago

Hello again @diachedelic sorry to bother you but it is possible that in the last update (1.2.14) the s.ios.deployment_target = '13.0' went back to 12.0 again? cause it's giving me the same iOS error in this version. (In 1.2.9 its working fine though)

Thank you!

diachedelic commented 11 months ago

I changed it back to retain support for Capacitor v3. You can fix your build errors using something like this: When this plugin drops support for Capacitor v3, I will bump the deployment target to iOS 13.

Madserker commented 11 months ago

Thank you! That worked perfect! And one more thing i don't know if its my android device or something im not handling well but i can't change the default background notification text with backgroundMessage and backgroundTitle. Is it not working for you either or its something related to my code?


diachedelic commented 11 months ago

Most likely you have not configured the icon correctly. Follow the instructions here exactly: