capacitor-community / contacts

Contacts Plugin for Capacitor
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Add nickname to name projection on iOS. #121

Open gregzo opened 5 months ago

gregzo commented 5 months ago

Very straightforward PR, I simply added nickname to the name projection and mapped Swift side to CNContactNicknameKey. I've no experience with Android, but it could be a tad more work, mapping to ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Nickname.NAME.

Closes #120 but only for iOS.

tafelnl commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the PR! I'm trying to keep the API and behavior of this plugin consistent across Android and iOS. I'm willing to merge this PR, but I would highly prefer it also having an Android implementation. But currently I don't have time available to do this myself

gregzo commented 5 months ago

Thank you for the quick reply. I can handle the Android code fine, I think, but am not setup to test it. Shall I do it anyway?

tafelnl commented 5 months ago

but am not setup to test it

By this, you mean that you don't have Android Studio for coding and an emulator and/or an Android device to test the code on? Or that it's not completely clear how to test this project on an Android device? I could assist you with the latter

gregzo commented 5 months ago

I don't have Android Studio, emulator, or device. We're developing for iOS first, Android to follow depending on market fit. Small team, sadly no time for exploratory work an Android right now...

tafelnl commented 5 months ago

Understood! No worries there. You could try and write it off the cuff. But you may have a hard time developing like that. And you don't have the added features Android Studio provides, like linting. So you could try, but it's sub-optimal indeed.

Off-topic: isn't Capacitor actually the kind of platform that could solve your problem? From my experience, I found that once when you've setup one of the platforms with Capacitor, adding another one is peanuts. Even if the developer hasn't got experience with said platform. But of course, depending on your use case and business case this might be a completely different story. But I think if you're mainly using the first party plugins, it shouldn't be much overhead

gregzo commented 5 months ago

Gave Android code a go just now, but because the nickname field isn't part of ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName, it's a tad more work than iOS side and indeed not something I'd feel confortable pushing without a properly setup environment to test, sorry...