capacitor-community / electron

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IPC Renderer VueJs #210

Closed kieranbarlow closed 1 year ago

kieranbarlow commented 1 year ago

I am an old timer in regards to using Electron v2, I've not looked at Electron for some time and I am now getting back into it.

I have an Ionic Capacitor project running VueJs and I was hoping to communicate from a component by importing IPC Renderer but unfortunately, I'm getting nowhere.

This is how I use to do it many days ago, could someone point me in the right direction?


import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron';

sendCommand() {
   ipcRenderer.send('do-something', 'hello world');

import { app, ipcMain } from 'electron'

ipcMain.on('do-something', (event,arg) => {