capacitor-community / fcm

Enable Firebase Cloud Messaging for Capacitor apps
MIT License
237 stars 83 forks source link

Add AndroidX Support #20

Closed priyankpat closed 4 years ago

josh-m-sharpe commented 4 years ago


Should these things be migrated too?

grep -R android.*support android/
android//capacitor-fcm/build.gradle:        testInstrumentationRunner ""
android//capacitor-fcm/build.gradle:    androidTestImplementation ''
android//capacitor-fcm/build.gradle:    androidTestImplementation ''
android//capacitor-fcm/build.gradle:    androidTestImplementation ''
android//capacitor-fcm/build.gradle:    implementation ''
stewones commented 4 years ago

hey @PR1YANKPAT3L thanks for your PR, I really tried to test it but no luck. it seems to be not fully supported yet

stewones commented 4 years ago

I think it's better to wait till capacitor 2.0

josh-m-sharpe commented 4 years ago

@PR1YANKPAT3L Do you think those things in my comment should have also been migrated?