capacitor-community / generic-oauth2

Generic Capacitor OAuth 2 client plugin. Stop the war in Ukraine!
MIT License
223 stars 106 forks source link

HELP: Getting "USER_CANCELLED" error with Google oAuth2 in Android Simulator #227

Open jordanranson opened 1 year ago

jordanranson commented 1 year ago


Hello, thanks for taking the time to look at my request. I'm not a mobile developer and have been banging my head against the wall for a few days now trying to figure out why I would get a USER_CANCELLED error when the oAuth flow appears to be working in the app. I'd appreciate any hints or advice on what I can do to get this working. I even followed the additional instructions for USER_CANCELLED issues that are mentioned here (, but no luck (I am not using Azure).



Getting "USER_CANCELLED" error with Google oAuth2 in Android Simulator but everything seems to be setup correctly and the oAuth flow successfully completes in the simulator.

Example flow:

  1. Click Google login button, which triggers OAuth2Client.authenticate
  2. Google oAuth login dialog appears. Sign in successfully, dialog closes.
  3. Return to app, USER_CANCELLED error coming from rejected promise in JavaScript/LogCat console. No additional details. I do not have access to oAuth logs on Google's side at the moment.

LogCat output:

D/Capacitor: App started
D/Capacitor: Unable to find a Capacitor plugin to handle requestCode, trying Cordova plugins 1765555632
D/Capacitor: Sending plugin error: {"save":false,"callbackId":"25800850","pluginId":"OAuth2Client","methodName":"authenticate","success":false,"error":{"message":"USER_CANCELLED"}}
D/Capacitor: App resumed

JS Console output:

result OAuth2Client.authenticate (#104032769)
{message: "USER_CANCELLED"}

Capacitor version:

Run npx cap doctor:

Latest Dependencies:

@capacitor/cli: 4.6.2 @capacitor/core: 4.6.2 @capacitor/android: 4.6.2 @capacitor/ios: 4.6.2

Installed Dependencies:

@capacitor/core: 3.4.3 @capacitor/ios: 3.4.3 @capacitor/cli: 3.4.3 @capacitor/android: 3.4.3

### Library version:
<!-- Please remove all items that are not relevant. -->

- 3.0.1

### OAuth Provider:
<!-- Please remove all items that are not relevant. -->

- Google

### Your Plugin Configuration
<!-- Without secret stuff (of course). -->

// capacitor.config.json
  "appId": "com.addictinggames.starveio",
  "appName": "client",
  "webDir": "www",
  "bundledWebRuntime": false,
  "server": {
    "hostname": "",
    "androidScheme": "https"
  "plugins": {
    "CapacitorCookies": {
      "enabled": true

// OAuth2Client.authenticate options
        authorizationBaseUrl: "",
        accessTokenEndpoint: "",
        scope: "",
        resourceUrl: "",
        logsEnabled: true,
        web: {
            appId: "",
            responseType: "token", // implicit flow
            accessTokenEndpoint: "", // clear the tokenEndpoint as we know that implicit flow gets the accessToken from the authorizationRequest
            redirectUrl: "http://localhost:8080",
            windowOptions: "height=600,left=0,top=0"
        android: {
            appId: "",
            responseType: "code", // if you configured a android app in google dev console the value must be "code"
            redirectUrl: "com.addictinggames.starveio:/" // package name from google dev console
        ios: {
            appId: "",
            responseType: "code", // if you configured a ios app in google dev console the value must be "code"
            redirectUrl: "" // Bundle ID from google dev console

Affected Platform(s):

raphael-yapla commented 4 months ago

I faced exactly the same issue with an AppLink domain and ended up making it work by adding the net.openid.appauth.RedirectUriReceiverActivity like you did but I had to remove the original intent-filter from the MainActivity. Hope that helps!