capacitor-community / proposals

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WebRTC #11

Open Ionitron opened 4 years ago

Ionitron commented 4 years ago

Plugin Request

Name: WebRTC Package: @capacitor-community/webrtc



Existing Solutions


Ability to access MediaDevices.getUserMedia() natively for iOS to work with WebRTC.

iometrine commented 3 years ago

@karen1au, ok so i let answer @imhoffd answer to you. But for me we still need to use this plugin because the problem of permission is still there on ios14.4. We will see the 14.5.

Sahil624 commented 3 years ago

Capacitor Plugin With Native Webrtc would be nice. Just like react-native-webrtc .

danielehrhardt commented 3 years ago

Did someone moved the the Native 14.3 WebRTC implementation?

Did worked flawless. I removed iosrtc and set the xCode Version to 12.3

vikash-rakit commented 3 years ago

I am trying navigator.getUserMedia on a brand new ionic capacitor project (created using cli command) and I am getting NotAllowedError. even navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia throws error.

I have set the permission in the info.plist as well. I see following log

App[XXXX:XXXXX] [plugin] AddInstanceForFactory: No Factory Registered for id <CFUUID 0x6.....>

i am trying on Xcode 12.4 and for ios 14.4. Tried both emulator and phone. Can someone please help.

iometrine commented 3 years ago

Some news of my side. I migrate from capacitor V3 and for me the version of the plugin 6.0.21 doesn't work but 6.0.20 works. About ios, it works for me without the cordova-plugin-iosrtc with 14.5 minimum. It doesn't work on 14.3 neither 14.4.

riderx commented 2 years ago

@danielehrhardt add your plugin to awesome-capacitor if that is useful please take time to star the repo as well :)