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Google ML Kit #62

Open hemangsk opened 4 years ago

hemangsk commented 4 years ago

Plugin Request

Collection of plugins using Google's ML Kit for on-device ML.

Name: Google ML Kit Package: @capacitor-community/google-ml-kit


Existing Solutions


This SDK is available for both iOS and Android and seems to cover an extensive number of use cases.

I think each of these could reside in their own plugins, where each plugin does one task and does it well.

riderx commented 2 years ago

@hemangsk i added your plugin to awesome-capacitor if that is useful please take time to star the repo as well :)

andrew-lyons commented 2 years ago

We've made a plugin for the Digital Ink library of this kit for our own organization's use. We would love to publish it, we structured it as an open-source project from the get go.

andrew-lyons commented 2 years ago

Made a proposal here

NLueg commented 2 years ago

I just published a plugin for Text Recognition:

andrew-lyons commented 2 years ago

@NLueg Would love for some action on this issue or the one I proposed, would be cool to make a suite of plugins.

riderx commented 2 years ago

@NLueg Awesome work ! don't forget to add it to : :)

typefox09 commented 2 years ago

Could we get image labeling in their also, something similar to the Cordova package offered:

robingenz commented 1 year ago

Hey everyone, I would like to share my new project with you. 🎉 It is exactly what this issue is about - a monorepo for Capacitor ML Kit Plugin just like for Firebase. The following plugins are currently supported:

More plugins coming soon. PRs are welcome. I appreciate any feedback.

andrew-lyons commented 1 year ago

@robingenz Awesome! I'll take a look and may just make a PR to include the digital ink plugin I've developed thus far. If there's room for contributors would also love to see about contributing towards getting the whole ML Kit suite into ionic plugins.