capacitor-community / stripe

Stripe Mobile SDK wrapper for Capacitor
MIT License
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Subscriptions #104

Closed jjacobs33589 closed 2 years ago

jjacobs33589 commented 2 years ago

Can this plugin be used to set up subscriptions with Stripe?

rdlabo commented 2 years ago

@jjacobs33589 Maybe yes. Difference of payment once or subscription looks like on backend only.

This plugin can paymentIntent and setupIntent. Please try to implement.

loicparent commented 2 years ago

Hello @jjacobs33589 & @rdlabo, I'm trying to setup the backend in this way but I encounter blocking.

The backend is a WordPress Website so a PHP function in an API route. I arrive to create the customer and the subscription but, I don't arrive to return the same value as indicated for this component.

For example: I have the customer ID but I don't have the ephemeralKey and I don't see anything about it in the documentation of Stripe ( I don't have the paymentIntent in the payload returned by the subscription too.

I'm a new user of Stripe and this component, could you maybe help me to better understand what I have to setup for the subscriptions?

Thanks and have a nice day, Loïc

stickypages commented 2 years ago

Done on your server where you have implemented your other stripe code.

    { customer: customerId },
    { stripe_version: api_version }

You have to create your paymentIntent as well.

    amount: cart.value.total_after_tip,
    payment_method_types: ['card']

Not sure if that helps.

loicparent commented 2 years ago

Hi @stickypages,

Thank you for your reply :)

Ok but how can I link the paymentIntents with the subscription object? In fact, I have precise the amount, currency and payment_method_types in the subscription ans so, this are duplicate here.

Kind regards

loicparent commented 2 years ago

Also, is it possible that the "ephemeralKey" doesn't exist anymore? I don't see anything in the API documentation about this :-/

hideokamoto commented 2 years ago

Have you tried stripe.ephemeralKeys.create ? You can see the example code ->

hideokamoto commented 2 years ago

FYI The type information is here ->

loicparent commented 2 years ago

Hi @hideokamoto,

Thank you for your reply :)

I use the PHP library of Stripe. I have seen some examples with the ephemeralKey but when I try to implement it, I have an error. Also, in the API documentation, I see anything about it (

On the other hand, by looking in the code of the PHP library, I see that there is indeed a class which manages this:

I will try to test without the API documentation. Thanks!

Do you maybe have an idea for the "paymentIntents" combined with the subscription?

Kind regards

hideokamoto commented 2 years ago

Do you maybe have an idea for the "paymentIntents" combined with the subscription?

Probably we can get the payment intent of the subscription by the following code.


    const subscription = await stripe.subscriptions.create({
      customer: customerId,
      items: [{
        price: priceId,
      payment_behavior: 'default_incomplete',
      expand: ['latest_invoice.payment_intent'],

      clientSecret: subscription.latest_invoice.payment_intent.client_secret,

It's just an example of Node.js, but I believe we can develop the same behavior in any other lang. I hope this information will help you.

loicparent commented 2 years ago

Hi @hideokamoto,

Yes, it helps me a lot, thanks!

So this is similar in PHP but not really well explained in the API documentation.

  1. Get the paymentIntent from the subscription:
    $subscription = $stripe->subscriptions->create([
    "customer" => $customer->id,
    "payment_behavior" => "default_incomplete",
    "items" => [
      "price" => $subscription_price,
      "quantity" => "1"
    "expand" => ["latest_invoice.payment_intent"],

$payment_intent_secret = $subscription->latest_invoice->payment_intent->client_secret;

2. Get the ephemeralKey:
$ephemeral_key = $stripe->ephemeralKeys->create(
  ['customer' => $customer->id],
  ['stripe_version' => '2020-08-27']

$ephemeral_key_secret = $ephemeral_key->secret;

EDIT: In conclusion, I arrive to process the payment with a subscription using this tool.

Have a nice day