capacitor-community / stripe

Stripe Mobile SDK wrapper for Capacitor
MIT License
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Close button on the save credit card frame #105

Closed jpissis closed 2 years ago

jpissis commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this great plugin. I implemented on IONIC application and it work perfectly. However when i process a new payment with a credit card i registered before, and i change my mind and want to cancel, the button "close" launch payment anyway.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Process a payment and click to save the credit card
  2. Process another payment and click to the close button to cancel the payment.
rdlabo commented 2 years ago

Thanks for issue.

The button "close" launch payment anyway.

This is unknown trouble. What is this platform? (iOS, Android, Web), and What is method??(PaymentSheet, PaymentFlow, GooglePay, ApplePay)


jpissis commented 2 years ago

I use PaymentFlow method on Android device.

My StripeService :

export class StripeService {
    processFlow: 'willReady' | 'Ready' | 'canConfirm' = 'willReady';

        private paymentService: PaymentService
    ) {

    async _initializer(): Promise<void> {
        Stripe.addListener(PaymentFlowEventsEnum.Loaded, () => {
            this.processFlow = 'Ready';

        Stripe.addListener(PaymentFlowEventsEnum.FailedToLoad, () => {

        Stripe.addListener(PaymentFlowEventsEnum.Completed, () => {
            this.processFlow = 'willReady';

        Stripe.addListener(PaymentFlowEventsEnum.Canceled, () => {
            this.processFlow = 'willReady';

        Stripe.addListener(PaymentFlowEventsEnum.Failed, () => {
            this.processFlow = 'willReady';

        Stripe.addListener(PaymentFlowEventsEnum.Created, (info) => {
            this.processFlow = 'canConfirm';

        await Stripe.initialize({
            publishableKey: environment.stripePK,

    async createPaymentFlow(firebaseId: string, productID: number): Promise<void> {
        const paymentSheetData = await
                .createStripePaymentFlow(firebaseId, productID);

        await Stripe.createPaymentFlow({
            paymentIntentClientSecret: paymentSheetData.paymentIntent,
            customerId: paymentSheetData.stripeCustomerID,
            customerEphemeralKeySecret: paymentSheetData.ephemeralKey,
            merchantDisplayName: 'Saveurs application mobile',

    async showCreditCardForm(): Promise<void> {
        await Stripe.presentPaymentFlow();

    async confirmPaymentSuccess(): Promise<boolean> {
        const result = await Stripe.confirmPaymentFlow();

        console.log('===== 1 Confirm paymentFlow');
        console.log('===== 2 result paymentFlow => ' + JSON.stringify(result));

        return (result.paymentResult === 'paymentFlowCompleted');

And the method of my angular component :

async subscriptionProcess() {

                .createPaymentFlow(this.user.uid, environment.subscriptionProductID)
                .then(async () => {
                            .then(async () => {
                                await this.stripeService.confirmPaymentSuccess();
rdlabo commented 2 years ago

This is not plugin issue, your code issue. Stripe.presentPaymentFlow() return resolve always, when presented paymentSheet.

You must create flow:

  1. Stripe.presentPaymentFlow()
  2. check this.processFlow = 'canConfirm'
  3. App user click confirm payment button
  4. Stripe.confirmPaymentFlow()

Please check demo work . Thanks.

スクリーンショット 2021-09-11 午後4 24 24

jpissis commented 2 years ago

Sorry it's my fault. Many thanks for your return. It works.

rdlabo commented 2 years ago

@jpissis Did you adapt this plugin for production? If yes, please tell us what app. Please help us to develop this plugin in 2022. Thanks.