capacitor-community / stripe

Stripe Mobile SDK wrapper for Capacitor
MIT License
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unable to start the stripe gateway #195

Closed Aksoom-Hussain closed 1 year ago

Aksoom-Hussain commented 1 year ago


Describe the bug

Unable to find a Capacitor plugin to handle requestCode an android

D/TestOverScroll: getScaledOverscrollDistance: b
D/Capacitor: Unable to find a Capacitor plugin to handle requestCode, trying Cordova plugins 425177417
V/Capacitor/StripePlugin: Notifying listeners for event paymentSheetFailed
D/Capacitor/StripePlugin: No listeners found for event paymentSheetFailed
V/Capacitor/StripePlugin: Notifying listeners for event paymentSheetFailed
D/Capacitor/StripePlugin: No listeners found for event paymentSheetFailed
D/Capacitor/AppPlugin: Firing change: true
V/Capacitor/AppPlugin: Notifying listeners for event appStateChange
D/Capacitor/AppPlugin: No listeners found for event appStateChange
D/Capacitor: App resumed

To Reproduce using these 2 function in vue.js nuxt 3 1 initializing the listener and placing the keys 2 calling the payment sheet crashing the app 3 in web it give error


async function startStripe() {
  await store
    .getStripe(, 0)
    .then(async () => {
    publishableKey: user.stripe_publishable_key,
      // prepare PaymentSheet with CreatePaymentSheetOption.
        Stripe.addListener(PaymentSheetEventsEnum.Completed, () => {
      await Stripe.createPaymentSheet({
        paymentIntentClientSecret: stripe.value.paymentIntent,
        customerId: stripe.value.customer,
        customerEphemeralKeySecret: stripe.value.ephemeralKey,
      }).then((result) => {
      }).catch((err) => {
    .catch((err) => {
async function startgate() {
        // present PaymentSheet and get result.
      await Stripe.presentPaymentSheet().then((result) => {
      if (result.paymentResult === PaymentSheetEventsEnum.Completed) {
        //await store.stripe(,0)
      }).catch((err) => {

Expected behavior unable to start the stripe gateway

rdlabo commented 1 year ago

@Aksoom-Hussain Thanks for issue. Where is console.log that undefined displayed?

I suggest you console.log(["where's log", result]); . Thanks.

Aksoom-Hussain commented 1 year ago

the undefined log come after

await Stripe.createPaymentSheet()

the function is not return so it show undefined

rdlabo commented 1 year ago

@Aksoom-Hussain createPaymentSheet 's then ? or catch ? In many cases, the back-end implementation is the problem (e.g., API keys do not match)

Aksoom-Hussain commented 1 year ago

I follow all the previous issues requested make tweaks

with that I was able to run it on the android app but the web issue still persist


it say issue is with present in web.ts as shown in screenshot

rdlabo commented 1 year ago

Is it async problem? Since Stripe.initialize is intended to be executed only once, it is not appropriate to put it here. You should run it beforehand with constructor or something similar.

Aksoom-Hussain commented 1 year ago

tried on beforemounted() function


getting this error in vue.js 3 nuxt 3

rdlabo commented 1 year ago

OK, I see. It seems @stripe-elements 's lazy load and SSG/SSR issue. ( Not this plugin ).

rdlabo commented 1 year ago

I'm not Nuxt user, so can't support your project. Please check, and get log.

( did you run npm install @stripe-elements/stripe-elements ? )

Aksoom-Hussain commented 1 year ago

yes stripe elements is installed and in node_module

rdlabo commented 1 year ago

@Aksoom-Hussain Please read .

  1. console log Stripe object.
  2. check stripe-payment-sheet in body.

However, if you suffer from this, perhaps you should build it yourself at instead of @stripe-elements on web.

Aksoom-Hussain commented 1 year ago

1 stripe objects is always get undefine on first initialize 2 html have empty stripe-payment-sheet tag and all JS import in name of stripe

rdlabo commented 1 year ago


  await store
    .getStripe(, 0)
    .then(async () => {
    publishableKey: user.stripe_publishable_key,

This is not await Stripe.initialize. Why Stripe.initialize run into then?

await store.getStripe(, 0);
await Stripe.initialize({
    publishableKey: user.stripe_publishable_key,
Aksoom-Hussain commented 1 year ago

the first await is for the API call then it initialize the stripe

rdlabo commented 1 year ago

if stripe objects is always get undefine is true, can't run Stripe.initialize .

Aksoom-Hussain commented 1 year ago

yes that only case for the web, android is working fine

the stripe initialize get this error in web


rdlabo commented 1 year ago help you? vite may be one of reason of issue.

This is not this plugin issue. I can't help you.

Aksoom-Hussain commented 1 year ago

ok let me check

rdlabo commented 1 year ago

Sorry I can't help you. A solution might be to not bundle them in vite and use script tags for loading @stripe-elements...

Aksoom-Hussain commented 1 year ago

is it possible to make your library bundle Vue compatible as stencil also have it, that will help in future scope

rdlabo commented 1 year ago

is it possible to make your library bundle Vue compatible as stencil also have it,

Can't. This is not problem about @capacitor-community/stripe. This plugin contains neither StencilJS nor Web Components.