capacitor-community / stripe

Stripe Mobile SDK wrapper for Capacitor
MIT License
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Payment Sheet failed on IOS #233

Closed anonimitoraf closed 1 year ago

anonimitoraf commented 1 year ago


Describe the bug When I attempt to open a Payment Sheet on IOS, it briefly closes afterwards with the event paymentSheetFailed. Happy to share more info if needed.

Additional context We've followed the setup documentation: and (React)

JS code:

const createRes = await stripe.createPaymentSheet({
  paymentIntentClientSecret: clientSecret,
  customerEphemeralKeySecret: ephemeralKey,
  customerId: userId,
console.log({ createRes })
const paymentResult = await stripe.presentPaymentSheet()
console.log({ paymentResult })
anonimitoraf commented 1 year ago

If it's any help, I see this log msg:

⚡️  To Native ->  Stripe createPaymentSheet 102192725
2022-11-17 10:55:17.501460+1100 App[21430:12401144] LOG ANALYTICS: ["app_version": "development", "event": "mc_complete_init_customer", "publishable_key": "pk_test_51M4Cs7KOkM8rg8niy7h5cCOilVizSXNUGkXkXatuRDzdqr0TkTCH87pZohZhWggAuDfGW2JidH7yggPKvWjmfwxE009HfocPyh", "pay_var": "paymentsheet", "mpe_config": ["customer": true, "appearance": ["font": false, "usage": false, "shadow": false, "corner_radius": false, "border_width": false, "colors": false, "primary_button": false], "style": 0, "allows_delayed_payment_methods": false, "save_payment_method_opt_in_behavior": "automatic", "apple_pay_config": false, "return_url": false, "default_billing_details": false], "app_name": "App", "device_type": "arm64", "session_id": "995c9288-3d06-4ecb-9dbf-47330b14b556", "analytics_ua": "analytics.stripeios-1.0", "ocr_type": "none", "os_version": "16.1", "is_development": true, "bindings_version": "23.0.0", "product_usage": ["PaymentSheet"], "install": "C", "plugin_type": "cordova", "apple_pay_enabled": 1, "additional_info": []]

Also, as per this comment, I've made sure that we use ephemeralKey.secret as opposed to

vesvello commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue.

[log] - --------stripe------- 2022-12-15 02:29:42.178693-0600 App[48055:9609258] LOG ANALYTICS: ["apple_pay_enabled": 1, "is_development": true, "install": "C", "device_type": "x86_64", "session_id": "16cce8b1-02e1-4604-b3d0-81e277b50b67", "os_version": "16.1", "product_usage": ["PaymentSheet"], "publishable_key": "unknown", "app_name": "App", "bindings_version": "23.0.0", "mpe_config": ["customer": true, "save_payment_method_opt_in_behavior": "automatic", "appearance": ["usage": false, "font": false, "border_width": false, "colors": false, "corner_radius": false, "primary_button": false, "shadow": false], "style": 0, "return_url": false, "default_billing_details": false, "apple_pay_config": false, "allows_delayed_payment_methods": false], "ocr_type": "none", "analytics_ua": "analytics.stripeios-1.0", "pay_var": "paymentsheet", "app_version": "1.0", "event": "mc_complete_init_customer", "plugin_type": "cordova", "additional_info": []] ⚡️ TO JS {} ⚡️ TO JS {} ⚡️ To Native -> Stripe ⚡️ [log] - PaymentSheetEventsEnum.Loaded presentPaymentSheet 114898807 ⚡️ TO JS {"error":"There was an unexpected error -- try again in a few seconds"} ⚡️ TO JS {"paymentResult":"paymentSheetFailed"} ⚡️ [log] - PaymentSheetEventsEnum.Failed

I am sending the correct keys

[log] - --------payment_intents------- ⚡️ [log] - pi_3MFC****I6G1253fDET_secret_bH1wwR****KAMklrRsFVyyc ⚡️ [log] - --------ephemeral_keys------- ⚡️ [log] - ek_test_YWNjdF8xTT****VFaZ200STZHLGpIN0VuTm9DUW9kb**4Z0dEeGhCYXY_00dxxMJyVt

Any help?


It was a problem with Stripe.initialize If you have this error... double check its initialazing correctly

rdlabo commented 1 year ago

This is almost always caused by an incorrect key when initializing or starting up the PaymentSheet. First, check the demo to make sure it works with the correct keys:
