capacitor-community / stripe

Stripe Mobile SDK wrapper for Capacitor
MIT License
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Stripe Identity Not Loading Showing Error There was an unexected error Message #291

Closed CharnjeetIotasol closed 10 months ago

CharnjeetIotasol commented 1 year ago


Describe the bug We are facing issue while loading Stipe Identity Screen in mobile app. I have integrate plugin in our project which running on Capacitor 5.0.3. I have got correct verificationId and ephemeralKeySecret from server. Even I have review the log on Stripe site which returning 200 OK. But I am getting screen in mobile *Error, There was an unexected error - please try again in a few seconds*

Expected behavior It should open Stripe Identity flow screen.

Screenshots image image image image image

Additional context URL in Stripe Log:

Usage Product I am using this plug with version: @5.0.1.

Product Name: capacitor-community/stripe Product URL : Using Function:

hideokamoto-stripe commented 1 year ago

@rdlabo FYI.

It seems the issue during handling the Stripe API response. Possibly we need to take a look at the code for Android.

hideokamoto-stripe commented 1 year ago

And additionally, we published the new version SDK to each environment (Android: 20.25.2, iOS: 23.8.0). How about upgrade these SDKs(Android: 20.19.5, iOS: 23.4.0)?


CharnjeetIotasol commented 1 year ago

Thanks @hideokamoto-stripe For quick response.

I have added the latest plugin version i.e
"@capacitor-community/stripe": "^5.0.1",

Android: 20.19.5, iOS: 23.4.0 are part of plugin 5.0.1, First you have update the version in plugin and release latest version of plugin then we will update the plugin version in our code and will try it.

rdlabo commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the Issue. The demo/angular seems to be working fine on my end. @CharnjeetIotasol Please try demo/angular once.

rdlabo commented 10 months ago

This issue is closed due to lack of activity for a long time. Please start a new Issue if needed.