capacitor-community / stripe

Stripe Mobile SDK wrapper for Capacitor
MIT License
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Recurring payment with Apple Pay & Google Pay #294

Closed SossenSystems closed 8 months ago

SossenSystems commented 1 year ago

Does your function request relate to a problem? Please describe it. I am frustrated because I have not found a way to implement Apple Pay and Google Pay as recurring payments.

Describe the solution you want. I would be really happy if recurring payments were possible for Apple and Google Pay, meaning I have a subscription and it is supposed to be debited EUR 10.00 every month.

Describe the alternatives you have considered. The project is great, I would like to solve it with this one, thanks for the opportunity!

Additional context

Use product I use credit card payments.

Product Name: Product URL : Function used:

rdlabo commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the issue. This is an issue with the way tokens are created in the backend, not with the plugin.


SossenSystems commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your answer. I'm using in the backend:

async createSetupIntent(customer: string) {
        const setupIntent = await this.stripe.setupIntents.create({
            usage: 'off_session',
        return setupIntent.client_secret;

So where i can insert the recurring payment?

rdlabo commented 8 months ago

This is not a problem on the plugin side, so please contact Stripe.

SossenSystems commented 8 months ago

But can you not show an example of it, how to do it in your code?