capacitor-community / stripe

Stripe Mobile SDK wrapper for Capacitor
MIT License
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Keyboard inaccessible #297

Closed drakedeatonuk closed 10 months ago

drakedeatonuk commented 1 year ago


Describe the bug When calling Stripe.createPaymentSheet & Stripe.presentPaymentSheet, when selecting a country from the country selection picker, if I click directly onto the "Postal Code"/"Zip Code" input beneath of this, then the keyboard closes and it wont reopen until I change back to the previous input and reselect the "Postal Code"/"Zip Code" input again (this is demoed in the video below).

Interestingly, if I do not click on the country selection picker at all, then when I click on the "Postal Code"/"Zip Code" input, the keyboard will stay open (this is demoed at the end of the video below).

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open the Stripe.createPaymentSheet & Stripe.presentPaymentSheet modal
  2. Select a country (United Kingdom or United States)
  3. Click the "Postal Code"/"Zip Code" input
  4. See error: you'll see that the keyboard closes and wont open again.

Expected behavior The keyboard should be open when the user clicks directly on this input after setting a country.

Screenshots The issue can be seen below:

Usage Product I'm using the latest version - 5.0.1

rdlabo commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the report. This is an issue with the Stripe iOS SDK, not the plugin.

Please report it here.

drakedeatonuk commented 8 months ago

@rdlabo I raised this as an issue on the stripe-ios repo here:

A fix for this went in on the latest release - any chance of getting this lib's dependency bumped to support the fix?

rdlabo commented 8 months ago

@drakedeatonuk I appreciate your excellent contribution and look forward to your continued support. The package including this will be released today as v5.3.0.

rdlabo commented 8 months ago


drakedeatonuk commented 8 months ago

hi @rdlabo - I've tested this with the update and can confirm that the bug has been fixed now. Thanks very much your help & for this very useful library :) 🙏