capacitor-community / stripe

Stripe Mobile SDK wrapper for Capacitor
MIT License
185 stars 75 forks source link

Inconsistant native Android/iOS version across payment and identity plugin #308

Closed ccen-stripe closed 8 months ago

ccen-stripe commented 9 months ago


Describe the bug Hi šŸ‘‹ This is Chen from Stripe's mobile team, I just created this PR on versioning the native SDKs for Identity and find a potential bug across the payment and identity plugins, please see details below -

Both payment and identity integrate the native Android/iOS SDKs, we need to make sure the versions are the same across both plugins, otherwise for user using both plugins within the same app, it would cause the app failed to build due to conflict version numbers, I would suggest save the iOS/Android version constants somewhere and refer to the constants from respective iOS/Android files

For reference, here are the links for the version numbers for Stripe's react native SDKs, since payment and identity SDK live in different repos, we can't share the constants, but we always coordinates internally to release compatible versions together.

To Reproduce

Expected behavior The app should build correctly

Using Function:

ccen-stripe commented 9 months ago

@rdlabo FYI :)

rdlabo commented 8 months ago

@ccen-stripe Thanks for the Issue. This is for deprecated methods as per sheet-definitions.interface.ts#L12-L14 . We will deprecate it when Capacitor 6 is released or after about 6 months.

(Method before separating @capacitor-community/stripe and @capacitor-community/stripe-identity)