I was experiencing an issue regarding the installation of 0.6, the output of the command seems my installation is wrong.
❯ capact -h
[1] 66566 killed capact -h
My laptop is :
❯ uname -a
Darwin jwdongshs-MacBook-Pro.local 21.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.4.0: Fri Mar 18 00:46:32 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.101.4~15/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 arm64
How did I resolve this problem?
Thans for @pkosiec 's response in slack channel, it was already resolved by following the guide prvoded:
Could you please try to build the binary by yourself, without UPX? I can guide through the process:
1.Make sure you have all prerequisite software installed on your machine: https://capact.io/community/development/development-guide#prerequisites
2.Clone the Capact repository
3.Build the binary and move it to the /usr/local/bin dir:
make build-tool-cli && mv ./bin/capact_darwin_arm64/capact /usr/local/bin
The binary built with the command above won't have the reduced size, as the UPX packing step is skipped. See if it works:
capact -h
I was experiencing an issue regarding the installation of 0.6, the output of the command seems my installation is wrong.
My laptop is :
The installation steps I performed;
How did I resolve this problem? Thans for @pkosiec 's response in slack channel, it was already resolved by following the guide prvoded:
Could you please try to build the binary by yourself, without UPX? I can guide through the process: 1.Make sure you have all prerequisite software installed on your machine: https://capact.io/community/development/development-guide#prerequisites 2.Clone the Capact repository 3.Build the binary and move it to the /usr/local/bin dir: make build-tool-cli && mv ./bin/capact_darwin_arm64/capact /usr/local/bin
Expected behavior
Actual behavior
Steps to reproduce