capajon / r6maps

Rainbow Six Siege map quick references
MIT License
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Unnecessary cached files #129

Open purechaose opened 5 years ago

purechaose commented 5 years ago

Currently, production js files are put into site/js/release.{version}/{name}.min.js and css files are put into site/css/release.{version}/name.{version}.css, and the old files are not cleared out. Edit: These files are not in the repo, but they do stack up on machines, including the r6maps server.

This means that every version, package.json and any html file specifying a js or css file must be manually updated.

Is there a reason this is the case? IMO it would be easier to overwrite previous versions of these files, and not have to keep track of the version all over package.json and in any file referencing the js or css files.

If we were to do so, my proposed structure for the site folder is as follows:

|-- about
|   `-- <about pages>
|-- css
|   |-- about.css
|   |--
|   |-- main.css
|   `-- ...
|-- js
|   |-- about.min.js
|   |--
|   |-- common.min.js
|   `-- ...
`-- lib
    `-- ...