capawesome-team / capacitor-firebase

⚡️ Firebase plugins for Capacitor. Supports Android, iOS and the Web.
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feat(firestore): support all `FieldValue` #443

Open ocavue opened 1 year ago

ocavue commented 1 year ago


Current problem

The current @capacitor-firebase/firestore@5.1.0-dev.b89276d.1695905786 doesn't support FieldValue.serverTimestamp, FieldValue.arrayUnion etc yet.

Preferred solution

Add support for all FieldValue

Alternative options

No response

Additional context

No response

robingenz commented 1 year ago

Thank you, this is indeed missing. I will have to check how we can implement this feature, since with Capacitor you can only pass plain JSON over the bridge.

orestis-z commented 11 months ago

Here a working example for Android + FieldValue.increment:

Cosmicist commented 7 months ago

Is there any update on this issue? I saw a now closed PR with a solution that looks promising and wonder if something like this will be implemented at some point since it is an important missing feature.

In the meantime, is there some kind of js-side workaround that we could be using? (I mean while still using the native sdk) . Sorry if this is an obvious question, but I couldn't find a way yet.


robingenz commented 7 months ago

@Cosmicist No, there are currently no updates. I will use the approach from #475 to fix this issue. Unfortunately, I can't give an ETA yet because this issue is quite complex.

In the meantime, is there some kind of js-side workaround that we could be using?

No, unfortunately not. There are workarounds for some field values. For example, you could replace FieldValue.serverTimestamp with a Firebase Cloud Function that updates the document as soon as it's created or updated.

Cosmicist commented 7 months ago

Hey @robingenz! Thanks for the input, I really appreciate it.

I like the cloud function idea, I'll probably try it for writes. For querying though I'll probably need to resort to the web sdk for the time being.