capawesome-team / capacitor-plugins

⚡️ Community plugins for Capacitor. Supports Android, iOS and the Web.
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feat(camera): take multiple photos in one session #105

Open luke-rogers opened 5 months ago

luke-rogers commented 5 months ago





Feature Request


Support for taking multiple photos using the camera without having to reopen the camera each time.

Example real-world use case: An inspector who may need to capture photos of an issue from multiple angles.

Preferred Solution

Additional Context

Seems like this functionality is available in the cordova-plugin-media-capture captureImage method

Bounty amount: $350

Additional context

Capacitor Camera Feature Request

Before submitting

robingenz commented 5 months ago

Hey @luke-rogers, we are not currently planning to release our own Capacitor Camera plugin. But we would like to enable you to motivate other developers to work on this issue via the Capawesome Bounty Program. Therefore we leave this issue open for now. The task is to create a PR in for the issue

isbecker commented 5 months ago

I've started looking into this a bit.

If there is a good example app that I can play around with, please share that. Otherwise, I am going to choose one from capacitor-community/examples to start.

robingenz commented 5 months ago

It looks like capacitor-community/examples is a bit outdated. You could create a new app using the Ionic CLI if you want to use a framework like Angular. If you just looking for a very simple app, feel free to take a look at this app template.

robingenz commented 5 months ago

@isbecker Let me know when you want me to assign the issue to you.

isbecker commented 5 months ago

Sure go ahead and assign me.

I need to dig more in the capacitor code base, but I think I should be able to make this happen.

robingenz commented 5 months ago

@isbecker Alright, i assigned you.

@luke-rogers Please transfer the bounty amount via Open Collective.

luke-rogers commented 5 months ago

We have transferred the amount to Open Collective.

The requirements were pretty light before so I have updated them to include the following details:

We'd be happy to join up on a Zoom call to discuss if you have any further questions.

isbecker commented 5 months ago

Hi @luke-rogers! I apologize for going quiet on this issue. The holidays took my attention away from it.

I took a look at the source code for the camera module in capacitor. At the moment I have only investigated the Android side. But, the way that it currently works, it uses an Android intent to open the camera for a photo. Unfortunately, that only works for a single photo at a time, and will not meet your UX requirements. So I think that the solution will involve a separate flow for the case where multiple photos are requested.

Can we set up a time for a Zoom call to discuss sometime next week?

luke-rogers commented 5 months ago

Sure, happy to have a Zoom call. What is the best email address we can reach you on to organise?

Just to set expectations, we have no Capacitor plugin development experience hence the need to outsource this.

isbecker commented 5 months ago

the best email address we can reach you on to organise

Sure, you can reach me at: ian at

Just to set expectations, we have no Capacitor plugin development experience hence the need to outsource this.

Understood, I'm also pretty unfamiliar with Capacitor, though I have a good amount of experience with Android development, some iOS :slightly_smiling_face:, and some free time.

isbecker commented 4 months ago

I posted an update in the ionic-team/capacitor-plugins#1616.