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Add PyTuple_GetItemRef(), similar to PyTuple_GetItem() but return a strong reference #23

Closed vstinner closed 2 months ago

vstinner commented 2 months ago

API: PyObject* PyTuple_GetItemRef(PyObject *p, Py_ssize_t pos).

While Free Threading (PEP 703) doesn't need this function, I propose to add functions which return strong references to proactively promote the usage of strong references.

Borrowed references have a long history of bugs and crashes. Usually, it's hard to trigger them, but if you're affected, it's hard to workaround them. The fix is usually to use a strong reference.

Example from _asyncio.Future.remove_done_callback holding explicitly a strong reference to prevent a possible crash:

        ret = PyObject_RichCompareBool(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 0), fn, Py_EQ);

The code explicitly holds a strong reference to the item tuple while calling PyObject_RichCompareBool(), since PyObject_RichCompareBool() can call arbitrary Python code in __eq__() methods.

These INCREF/DECREF were added by "Fixed miscellaneous errors in asyncio speedup module".

gvanrossum commented 2 months ago

I feel that promoting good hygiene is not a sufficient reason to add a new API, especially one that can already be expressed as PySequence_GetItem.

vstinner commented 2 months ago

I feel that promoting good hygiene is not a sufficient reason to add a new API, especially one that can already be expressed as PySequence_GetItem.

Does it look useful to add a sentence to such functions to clearly mention that they return borrowed references, and suggest an alternative returning strong references?

For example, for PyTuple_GetItem:

Return a borrowed reference. Use Py_NewRef() or PySequence_GetItem()
to get a strong reference.
encukou commented 2 months ago

IMO it would be useful to say what the reference is borrowed from, something like:

Return a borrowed reference. The reference is borrowed from *p* (that is: it is only valid
as long as you hold a reference to *p*).

To get a strong reference, use `PySequence_GetItem(...)` or `Py_NewRef(PyTuple_GetItem(...))`.
vstinner commented 2 months ago

IMO it would be useful to say what the reference is borrowed from, something like:

Good idea. I created for the doc.

encukou commented 2 months ago

Let's (gradually) start using this kind of wording for borrowed references throughout the docs.

erlend-aasland commented 2 months ago

@encukou: I think that is a good idea. Let's make sure we get the first doc amendment right, so it will be a good example to follow.

vstinner commented 2 months ago

I feel that promoting good hygiene is not a sufficient reason to add a new API, especially one that can already be expressed as PySequence_GetItem.

It's not the first time that I propose adding PyTuple_GetItemRef(). The consensus is against adding such function.

I will continue the road of better documentation, it cannot hurt :-) I close this issue.