capistrano / rvm

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rvm_map_bins should contain rails #56

Open ydkn opened 10 years ago

ydkn commented 10 years ago

The rails command should be included in the rvm_map_bins as it is in the capistrano-rbenv gem

bendilley commented 10 years ago

+1, IMO it makes sense for the rvm extension to match the rbenv one in this regard.

kirs commented 9 years ago

Not sure about this. capistrano-rvm is trying to be framework agnostic. Should be include sinatra or padrino binaries as well?

ydkn commented 9 years ago

Good point. But if capistrano-rvm does not include rails then capistrano-rails has to add itself to rvm_map_bins. So, it's the same question: Should capistrano-rails be agnostic to Ruby version management tools?

In my opinion it is easier to add it to the capistrano-rvm instead to capistrano-rails.

Btw: sinatra has no binary.

stevenchanin commented 7 years ago

+1 on including rails in rvm_map_bins.

Not having it there can lead to failures when running remote cap tasks that are hard to figure out & can take a lot of time (e.g. you think "OMG it's something else I've messed up in how my VPS is setup ... let me go dig into what what env is in place when this remote task is run, what PATH's are set, etc, etc")

dmitry commented 7 years ago

Please merge this PR. I can confirm rails command should be included in an array map so that some capistrano plugins could work correctly.

smtlaissezfaire commented 6 years ago

@stevenchanin Agreed - but is the real solution to have better errors? For me, this was just saying "no output" when it should have said "rails: command not found" which would have made this an easy fix.