capnproto / capnproto-rust

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How to send generated readers across threads #479

Open f1recracker opened 8 months ago

f1recracker commented 8 months ago


Thank you for this project! Also, apologies if this is a duplicate - I've found similar questions but I'm not quite sure if we're solving the same problem.

So I'm writing a program that consists of two threads:

I've been able to make an example of this using rust-native structs, but I just can't seem to figure out how to move to capnproto generated code. Here's a minimal example using the addressbook schema.

struct People {
    id: u32,
    // ...

pub fn main() {
    let result_map = std::sync::Arc::new(dashmap::DashMap::<String, People>::new());
        // Thread 1
        let result_map = result_map.clone();
        let mut buffer = vec![];
            let builder = build_address_book();
            serialize_packed::write_message(&mut buffer, &builder).unwrap();
            let reader = serialize_packed::read_message(
                std::io::Cursor::new(buffer), capnp::message::ReaderOptions::new()).unwrap();
            let address_book = reader.get_root::<address_book::Reader>().unwrap();
            let _people = address_book.get_people().unwrap().get(0);
            // How to avoid using a rust-native struct here and use `_people`?
            result_map.insert("foo".into(), People { id: _people.get_id() });

        // Thread 2
        let result_map = result_map.clone();
        std::thread::spawn(move || {
            loop {
                match result_map.get("foo") {
                    Some(person) => {
                        println!("Person: {:?}",
                    None => {

Specifically I have two questions:

Thank you!

dwrensha commented 8 months ago

You can't put _people into result_map because the lifetime of _people is scoped to the borrow at

let address_book = reader.get_root::<address_book::Reader>().unwrap();

I don't know of a good way to avoid copying the data in this situation.

One thing you can do is have your shared hashmap store values of type message::TypedBuilder<People::owned, HeapAllocator>. You would fill each such value via set_root(), which would copy the data, but should be fast.

To get this approach to perform optimally, you'll probably also need to adjust the segment size of the allocator given to message::TypedBuilder, so that it's just big enough to store _people. The _people.total_size() method should help with this.

f1recracker commented 8 months ago

Thank you! This was indeed helpful. I also had to wrap the TypedBuilder in an Arc<Mutex<>> to make it Sync. This does have some overhead versus rust-native structs as expected.

I think I have a clearer vision of what I was originally hoping to achieve. I might create a SharedReader for write-once-read-many use-cases, that contains:

This is roughly the api I have in mind:

// Producer 
let builder = build_address_book();
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
serialize_packed::write_message(&mut buffer, &builder).unwrap();
let buffer = Arc::new(buffer);

let person_0_ptr = addressbook::root_ptr().get_people().get(0);
let person_0_ref = SharedReader::new(buffer.clone(), person_0_ptr); // Send + Sync + Clone

let person_1_id_ptr = addressbook::root_ptr().get_people().get(1).get_id();
let person_1_id_ref = SharedReader::new(buffer.clone(), person_1_id_ptr); // Send + Sync + Clone

// Consumer 1
let person = person_0_ref.value();
foo(person.get_name(), person.get_id());

// Consumer 2
let person = person_1_id_ref.value();

I have a working implementation albeit without the pointers so clients explicitly need to dereference objects they're interested in. However, from a separation of concern perspective, I'm hoping to set this at the producer level.

I'm going to try see if I can hack something together after looking at your repository.

Also, out of curiosity, do you think this might be a good addition to capnp's API?

tv42 commented 8 months ago

I believe this is a duplicate of #256 (though with maintainer response!).