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Fixed: font cell of a CPTableView comes black when editing another cell #2133

Closed Dogild closed 10 years ago

Dogild commented 10 years ago

The font of a default dataView came black when editing another cell of the tableView. Now it stays black.

Fixed #2130

cappbot commented 10 years ago

Milestone: Someday. Label: #new. What's next? A reviewer should examine this issue.

cacaodev commented 10 years ago

thanks man ! I beleive you mean it stays white.

aljungberg commented 10 years ago

At a glance this looks incorrect: wouldn't this cause the text to be white when the table is not actually the first responder? This is what we just fixed in a different issue recently.

aljungberg commented 10 years ago

Yes, this patch will not work. This patch causes a regression with regards to


screen shot 2014-06-03 at 17 11 58

With this pull request:

screen shot 2014-06-03 at 17 06 13

The text is no longer read-able.

+AppKit +#needs-patch

cappbot commented 10 years ago

Milestone: Someday. Labels: #needs-patch, #new, AppKit. What's next? This issue needs a volunteer to write and submit code to address it.

Dogild commented 10 years ago

Can you share your example Alex please :)

aljungberg commented 10 years ago

Already did. :) It's this one:

  1. Click on a row in the top table.
  2. Click on the bottom table so it becomes the new first responder, but the window is still key.
Dogild commented 10 years ago

Perfect got it.

Well, it's more complex that I have expected. The cells can exactly have the same themeState ("keyWindow+selectedTableDataView+tableDataView") for two cases ;

Solution could be to add another themeState ? Other idea ? The themeState of the textField seems good to me for the two cases.

There is another issue as well, select a row in the top table, begin to edit and then click on the bottom table, the font is white again (the themeState firstResponder is still set to the textField of the cell).

aljungberg commented 10 years ago

Yeah so the issue is that when the cell is edited, that cell becomes the first responder so the table 'loses' its first responder state.

I think in this case we should perhaps special case it. Even that the table view is not the first responder anymore, it should keep the first responder theme state since it 'hosts' the first responder in an obvious way.

So in CPTableView's editColumn, change this:

    [[self window] makeFirstResponder:view];

to this:

    [[self window] makeFirstResponder:view];
    [self _notifyViewDidBecomeFirstResponder]

This will add the first responder state back to the table view as a whole (and all its subviews) even that it's technically not the first responder.

Since it happens before any redraws, it shouldn't be visible to the user.

However this will only work if the table is view based so not sure this is the best solution.

We do want the table to know it's still a 'main control' from the user's point of view, even that a cell is being edited.

Dogild commented 10 years ago

I thought to add a new ThemeState named CPThemeStateChildFirstResponder, or something like that.

Dogild commented 10 years ago

Your solution works ;

It needs to add line 3702 and 1682 :

[self _notifyViewDidBecomeFirstResponder];

Do we want that or the new themeState ?

With this solution, we still have an issue :

aljungberg commented 10 years ago

I thought to add a new ThemeState named CPThemeStateChildFirstResponder, or something like that. But the other cells aren't children of the first responder either, so they still wouldn't know. They're siblings.

Maybe a state like CPThemeStateFirstResponderLike. But there'd still be no automatic way to install that so we'd end up with special code in TableView anyhow, wouldn't we?

The other issue sounds like an unrelated bug -- something somehow not properly removing the first responder state in this particular transfer.

Dogild commented 10 years ago

Yeh I think it's going to be manual. I'll add the new themeState CPThemeStateFirstResponderLike and set it manually for the CPTableView

Dogild commented 10 years ago

I found a better way actually.

Let me know what you think

primalmotion commented 10 years ago

@aljungberg is that good enough for you?

aljungberg commented 10 years ago

What's different about this change versus what we discussed? :)

You know I just thought of another way that might look cleaner since it'd only be one area of change.

In CPTableView we can simply override _notifyViewDidResignFirstResponder and not call super if _isFocused is still true.

Dogild commented 10 years ago

Nothing much, I thought it's a lot of new code for a simple things finally (the new themeState), and maybe not the most optimized solution.

With what I proposed, the tableView will get the themeState firstResponder immediately when one of its subviews will be firstResponder and lost it when something else will be firstResponder. The main benefits are that it works with our actual issues (the both described above) and then it will work with every mode of the tableView, viewBased or not.

IMHO the themeState involved a lot of new code and complexity.

aljungberg commented 10 years ago

Are you proposing to give the first responder theme state to superviews of the the subview that becomes the first responder? It could work, I considered it too, but it'd make every single superview all the way up to the window itself take on the "first responder" theme state. So you get a lot of things with this new theme state where you might not expect it, like the window content view.

But if we do go that way, I'd probably name it CPThemeStateContainsFirstResponder. And yeah it would work well with the Table View.

I'm okay with this idea if that's what you meant. It'll work, it's generic and won't require so many special cases.

Dogild commented 10 years ago

Do we need it for every views ? I don't think so, right now just the tableView need this things.

What I meant, it's for these issues, the tableView will have the themeState firstResponder as long that one of its subviews or itself are firstResponder. That's it

aljungberg commented 10 years ago

Right, but that's already the case with the current patch, like we discussed, isn't it? Just trying to understand if there was something else you were suggesting.

Even that I misunderstood you, I think this latest idea is probably good. It's a general solution which fixes the problem that the solution we're doing here can't be (easily) by others since it uses internal APIs that might change and people rightfully shouldn't use that stuff.

At the same time this general solution would work for CPBrowser, CPOutlineView and maybe CPTokenField when editing an individual token. Since the number of steps up from any widget to the topmost superview is not huge it shouldn't be incredibly expensive.

Refining the idea we could at the same time rename CPThemeStateFirstResponder to CPThemeStateInFirstResponder. Then we have CPThemeStateContainsFirstResponder going upwards and CPThemeStateInFirstResponder going downwards (including the actual first responder). Very cleanly themable, easy to understand.

Dogild commented 10 years ago

I just tried to implement it and it doesn't work for our problem here.

When one of the texField comes firstResponder, it's going to tell to all of the superviews that they contain the current firstResponder. The problem is that the other textField of the same row are not one of the superview of the current editing textField, so they don't get the themeState CPThemeStateContainsFirstResponder.

Dogild commented 10 years ago

In case you wanna try

In CPView.j

- (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder
    var r = [super becomeFirstResponder];

    if (r)
        [self _notifyViewDidBecomeFirstResponder];
        [self _notifySuperviewDidBecomeFirstResponder];

    return r;

- (void)_notifySuperviewDidBecomeFirstResponder
    var superview = [self superview];

    while (superview)
        [superview setThemeState:CPThemeStateContainsFirstResponder];
        superview = [superview superview];

- (void)_notifyViewDidBecomeFirstResponder
    [self setThemeState:CPThemeStateInFirstResponder];

    var count = [_subviews count];

    while (count--)
        [_subviews[count] _notifyViewDidBecomeFirstResponder];

- (BOOL)resignFirstResponder
    var r = [super resignFirstResponder];

    if (r)
        [self _notifyViewDidResignFirstResponder];
        [self _notifySuperviewDidResignFirstResponder]

    return r;

- (void)_notifyViewDidResignFirstResponder
    [self unsetThemeState:CPThemeStateInFirstResponder];

    var count = [_subviews count];

    while (count--)
        [_subviews[count] _notifyViewDidResignFirstResponder];

- (void)_notifySuperviewDidResignFirstResponder
    var superview = [self superview];

    while (superview)
        [superview unsetThemeState:CPThemeStateContainsFirstResponder];
        superview = [superview superview];
aljungberg commented 10 years ago

Right, good point.

Dogild commented 10 years ago

It sounds like my last commit was the good one finally

aljungberg commented 10 years ago

Yep it's good. Merged. Thanks!

+#fixed assignee=aljungberg milestone=0.9.8

cappbot commented 10 years ago

Milestone: 0.9.8. Labels: #fixed, AppKit. What's next? This issue is considered successfully resolved.