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Programme details #151

Open notshi opened 4 years ago

notshi commented 4 years ago

We've been following protocols and sending programme details when sending new shows.

It was nice to see them tweeted as hopefully this gets us some listens. We just realised the protocols changed and if you want your programme tweeted, you'll need to email or DM these requirements separately to a different email etc.

Unfortunately we realised this a little late and only after not seeing the show tweeted, scrambled back to the inbox to realise the changed protocols.

In any case, could we use these programme details for the monthly broadcast in the schedule? It seems to be updated for other shows like Drive, etc.

Or rather, is it possible to do this automatically so Joe doesn't have to do it manually?

caprenter commented 4 years ago

The data in the 'schedule' comes from the google calendar.

You can have some stock/default data in there by all means - Joe takes the main responsibility for this, but both myself and Jonathan can edit it. (I can give you permission if you like - but it could be another new world of pain for you!.

Individual show data (i.e. this month we're talking about...) again falls onto Joe's plate to turn into tweets, facebook posts, schedule data and anything else!

Since lockdown, when people have not supplied this info 'when passing the desk', the process evolved into 'DM us or email radioshows@' - it's hard working with lots of people who love/hate/use differenet technologies. The email can be seen by two people, Jonathan and Joe. JP schedules shows for play out, Joe does the web stuff.

As ever, we're poor on documenting, and communicating, so apologies for that.

So in answer to the question: "Is it possible to do this automatically so Joe doesn't have to do it manually?"

1) The data about a show needs to originate with the programme maker. (On today's show...) 2) The time and date of the show is controlled by the Programme Manager (JP) - i.e. he tells you when it's on! 2) Endpoints for data about the upcoming/last/current show are: Google Calendar (this then feeds data on schedule pages and programme pages on the website), twitter, facebook, instagram 3) We currently ask people to send the data (images and words) to Joe, who then copies, pastes, reformats, resizes, etc and puts it in those places above as much as possible.

I have had a conversation with another techy, about how you could create a platform that: 1) Programme makers log into 2) They upload all of their data relating to their next show 3) Push a button to publish it to all the platforms at once (or maybe to 'staging/approval')

Calendering would still need to be at the heart of the application, so working with Google Calendar would seem to make sense, rather than build our own.

But it has not progressed further....

In other systems news: We also like to see the schedule data in a weekly 'print out' - JP works off an Landscape A4 piece of paper with all of the shows for that week (in a 4 week cycle) that he edits, plugs gaps, counts things, and has cart numbers to line up with the play out system. We also have a CiviCRM for managing data on our volunteers. (and has the facility to have a front facing website that interfaces with that date - e.g. people could sign up for events via the website and that contact data can be managed in the CRM - see also memberships etc) The website itself uses wordpress to create pages/content from third party data - while schedule data and some of the data created from that on e.g. programme pages is easily re-used, the main programme page contains data that is hand created, as do Volunteer Profile pages - both of those things could be curated in another application OR wordpress (which is a multi user platform) could be repurposed...

notshi commented 4 years ago

It's good to know that ultimately it all boils down to the content in Google Calendar.

This could mean finding ways to get information into the calendar from active programme makers.

Will have a think. Thank you for laying this out.