Open notshi opened 3 years ago
A page now lives here
Re-created their new logo into a banner for the main page Re-created their new logo into a sidebar widget logo Added copy text from BCB Newsletter August 2021 Added copy text from previous event Added link to previous event Backed up previous event widget Removed previous event widget Added new event widget to top of sidebar Emailed organiser about project page Cleaned up mobile page and removed old events (2020 & older) Backed up mobile page Added event to mobile page
Well done - and thanks. I think the clarity in the other issue is really useful - thanks. Keep in touch with me about the process and if it's working for you or not!
Liaising with the organiser directly for a smaller event like this seems to work as I don't have to wait for BCB to provide content but it's still early in the process so will let you know how it turns out.
Was concerned that there was no updates or emails about this so I kept an eye out on the schedule and social media feeds. Managed to see a tweet that a programme was going out Friday night and did some investigating.
Looks like it's a new show that's not a repeat from previous years' programme list so I downloaded the audio from Listen Again. Created a banner for the programme Edited, added metadata and uploaded audio to Updated the event page Emailed the organiser
Organiser has responded and sent me programme listings for upcoming shows Organiser sent a wetransfer of 4 finalised MP3s Organiser has emailed BCB staff on sending me 2 finalised MP3s (presumably because they are presented by other people) Organiser sent another finalised MP3
Organiser sent an updated programme listing with very detailed programme notes which is really great
Updated event page Created banners for 7 more programmes Added sections for new programmes Added metadata and uploaded audio to Updated listing with detailed notes Converted text into html and links
Emailed organiser that there is no show scheduled (past or present) for one of the shows they listed Downloaded Maureen's interview with Saeed from Listen Again Edited, added metadata and uploaded audio to Redesigned the layout of the page so it reads better
Organiser emailed that the dates might be wrong and not in sync with what was meant to be broadcast and actual broadcast
Schedule on BCB website and Listen Again website does not seem to match so was hard to check if the dates were right BCB Schedule on Google Calendar however seems to be most updated and has helped the issue page lives here
There is a bug in where the platform switches the programme title and album title metadata so I've had to manually edited those via the user interface (not the most friendly!)
One of the co-organisers got in touch with me about creating a project page on the BCB website. They were sent a set of instructions (possibly the email you sent to Mary) and wanted to confirm with me which content were needed for the page as they weren't sure from the instructions.
This leads me to believe that there should probably be a separate set of instructions for the actual organisers of the events wanting to get their programmes on the BCB website.
As such, I've added a new section just for BCB staff and another section just for Event organisers
In any case, I pointed them to the previous project page as an example of the content that was needed from them. They've sent some information over so will put it on a placeholder page.