caprica / vlcj

Java framework for the vlc media player
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`` Has no getter for playback mode #1207

Closed Ramblurr closed 5 months ago

Ramblurr commented 7 months ago

Many thanks for vlcj!

One can setMode(..) for an Audio List Player, but there is no getter for the playback mode.

Have I just overlooked it?

caprica commented 7 months ago

I can't remember with absolute certainty, but this is probably because LibVLC provides no native API to get the mode, and you are expected to know the mode you set in your own application code.

caprica commented 7 months ago

Also, if such a thing existed, it would probably be on a "StatusApi" rather than "ControlsApi".

Anyway, this was implemented a long time ago, this is the reason I don't really remember the fine detail.

Ramblurr commented 6 months ago

Fair enough answer!

I was just comparing it to the non-list ControlsApi which has a getRepeat method.

caprica commented 6 months ago

Well, that's not quite comparing apples to apples.

The "repeat" flag in ControlsApi has no native LibVLC API counterpart, for both set and get. It's something vlcj provides on top of the native API.

The repeat mode does have native LibVLC API, at least for setting it.

Now, could vlcj manage such a repeat mode flag as well? It would clearly not be impossible to do so, it's just not like that, right now.