caprica / vlcj

Java framework for the vlc media player
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Transparent Overlay on Pi 4 and Pi 5 #1222

Closed FolsomMike closed 3 months ago

FolsomMike commented 3 months ago

Adding this issue + solution to contribute to the wiki...

On Pi 4, the xcompmgr daemon must be running in the background for transparency to work. It can be enabled in raspi-config, but that does NOT work as it starts the daemon using 'xcompmgr -aR'. Those flags seem to prevent the transparency from working in the Java/VLCJ combo.

Disable compositor in raspi-config and then run it before starting the Java program. It can be put in a startup file (Google it), but I just invoke it in my bash script which starts the Java program (after removing any existing process):

killall xcompmgr nohup xcompmgr &

On the Pi 5, there is a compositor already running by default and transparency works fine.

I am also running Java 22 and so far everything works fine.

caprica commented 3 months ago

Very interesting, thanks.