caprover / netdata-docker

Just a wrapper around NetData container to provide env var settings for some params
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Can we have an updated netdata image? #7

Open ariaieboy opened 1 month ago

ariaieboy commented 1 month ago

@githubsaturn Hello, and thanks for your great project. right now this image is 2 years old. Can we get an update on this image? there is already an open PR But that's 1 year old.

githubsaturn commented 1 month ago

@ariaieboy - feel free to open a PR and update the image.

ariaieboy commented 1 month ago

@ariaieboy - feel free to open a PR and update the image.

There is an open PR right now that updates the netdata version.

But didn't get merged. Are there any tests or pre-requirements that I need to consider before making a PR?

githubsaturn commented 1 month ago

That PR is not merged because it's untested and not working. You can retry, build, and test. Once confirmed it's working, we can merge the PR.